Posts tagged sleep training alternatives
Sleep training research: unpacking sleep training culture

We live in a sleep training culture.

Its effects on parenting around sleep are powerful, and parents feel that pressure. When you dig into the research on sleep training, however, you find that it isn’t as soundly supported as many parents and professionals believe. In this post, I’m highlighting 10 facts about sleep training research that everyone should know to make informed decisions about how you support sleep for your children.

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How to help your family get better sleep without sleep training

There’s so much conflicting and confusing information on baby and toddler sleep. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed and stuck between what feels right and what everyone says you should do. So often parents feel as though they have two options, sleep train or do nothing and struggle along until time improves things. However, there are a range of gentle, responsive ways to support sleep without sleep training.

Here are three shifts you can make to improve sleep while decreasing overwhelm.

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Supporting sleep after sleep training doesn’t work: a client story

Some parents seek out my support because it matches their established responsive parenting values and are excited to find sleep support without sleep training. Other parents tried sleep training, and it didn’t work. They somehow find their way to me, and it takes a leap of faith to try something very different.

X and R took that leap when a friend recommended me to them after trying cry it out and still struggling with sleep. I’m so thankful they were open minded and curious, because working with them was a great experience!

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Holistic Sleep Coaching: The Sleep Training Alternative You Never Knew You Needed

Holistic sleep coaching is an alternative option that is based on biologically normal sleep, responsive parenting, and gentle, family-centered methods. When you are struggling with your baby or toddler’s sleep, knowing the right path forward for your family can seem daunting. The internet and baby books are full of strict schedules and sleep advice that conflict with parenting instincts. You may feel like you have no other choice except to sleep train to improve your family’s sleep, but sleep training isn’t the only option.

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The Facts behind Babies and Self-Soothing

So many of my clients have heard comments like these on a regular basis. It makes them feel alone, isolated, and even doubt themselves.

So do I really need to teach my baby to self-soothe?

The good news is that you do not need to leave your baby to cry to teach them anything! And in fact, leaving a baby to cry is the exact opposite of how you help them calm down.

Though advice to leave a baby to cry to teach self-soothing is common, It’s incredibly outdated. So much sleep and parenting advice misses the very real neuroscience that disproves this concept as well as the important role of responsiveness in development.

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