Hey There Tired Parents! Are You Sick Of Feeling Like You’re Failing At Sleep….

What if you could throw out the sleep-training rules, ditch the one-size-fits-all advice and get the confidence to do things differently?


“The greatest lesson was actually an affirmation- that responding to our baby’s wants and needs was the right thing for all of us. And celebrating the trust and security we are building with him even through the challenging times.”

— Naina and Hari, parents of a highly sensitive toddler

yawning baby

I see you yawning


You Are Sooo Damn Tired. All. The. Time.

And you just need sleep to be better and easier.

But With A Baby That Fights Sleep, Naps Unpredictably And Frequently Wakes, You Feel Like You Are Stuck In An Unsustainable Sleep Pattern…With No Way Out.

Finding a sleep solution that feels right, feels impossible.

And You Feel So Judged.

It feels like all your friends’ babies have been sleeping through the night since they were 3 days old. And you’re the only one with a baby who is still waking and still needing you sooo intensely.


Listen, Let’s See If We’re On The Same Page, Here:

Hold Up A Finger (And Thumb) For Each One Of These That’s True For You:

illustration showing one finger being held up

Everyone tells you to sleep train, but the thought of leaving your baby to cry feels so wrong. It makes you feel sick. (And you’re pretty sure it would never work for your baby anyway.)

illustration showing two fingers being held up

You cosleep, nurse, and rock baby to sleep, which feels so RIGHT but you are constantly second guessing yourself because you’re told you’re encouraging bad habits that will ruin baby’s entire life if you don’t stop this instant. (But how can something that feels so right, be wrong?)

illustration showing three finger being held up

You don’t know who to trust or what to listen to anymore (thanks for that, Google and Instagram) and you feel like you’re losing yourself, like you can’t trust your own judgement about what’s right for baby.

illustration showing four finger being held up

You worry your baby isn’t getting the sleep they need, and that it’s getting in the way of their healthy sleep development, which makes you feel like you’re stuck between a rock and a hard place.

female giving herself high five gif

If you’re on the other side of the screen with a HIGH-FIVE ready to go, you’re in the right place and I need you to hear this:

It’s Not You.

You’re Not “Doing It Wrong”

There IS Another Way.

Because in those quiet moments when you are able to listen to your heart, and tune out all the noise, you know that helping your baby feel safe, loved, and connected with you around sleep, is the right choice for you and your family.


The Problem Is Most Baby Sleep Information Is Outdated, Incorrect, And Far From What Actually Supports Healthy Sleep.

close up of happy baby lying down on back

But your pediatrician, friends, Dr. Google, mother-in-law and heck even your goat’s cousins wife are telling you that it’s critical you teach your baby to self-soothe and sleep through the night…..or they’ll never sleep well and will be in your bed, nursing to sleep for the rest of their life!

And while you know that might be a bit extreme, you are hearing that there is a window for change…
and maybe you are missing it…

That Is A HEAVY Weight To Carry Alone.


But Truth Is, You Don’t Just Need Different Sleep Strategies…

You need a different sleep paradigm!

A sleep paradigm that is attachment focused, developmentally based, and family centered, so that you can:

icon outline of person sat crossed legged

Feel more RELAXED about sleep and have the mental and emotional energy to focus on the things you love rather than sleep stress consuming your days (and nights).

icon outline representing hot mug of coffee

Have your partner be able to do bedtime so you can have an EVENING TO YOURSELF (and maybe even go out with friends).

icon outline representing person in their house

Feel more RESTED so you can enjoy playing with your baby and spending time with your partner and even have some energy left over for yourself.

Kim Hawley and family happily on steps outside surrounded by green treessmling

As a mom who has been right where you are….I can help you!

I’m Kim Hawley, Holistic Sleep Coach and IBCLC, but more importantly a mom who was right where you are after my oldest was born. Everyone around me was sleep training, and every where I turned, sleep training advice was all I could find. I felt like the only one saying, “wait this doesn’t feel right!” It was lonely, overwhelming and really stressful.

With some guidance from a lovely lactation consultant, and a whole bunch of research, I realized just how far from developmentally normal our mainstream sleep advice is. Finding out what biologically normal *actually* looks like, learning how to work with my baby’s developmental needs, and finding truly gentle strategies allowed me to work with my baby while getting more rest, plus feeling a whole lot more confident along the way.


My work with families now draws from decades of research on attachment theory, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, lactation, and the science of biologically normal sleep and development – plus my experience as a mom and holistic sleep specialist.

Let Me Bring That Knowledge, Guidance, Support, And Encouragement To Support You On Your Sleep Journey!


Kim completely shifted our mindset on sleep, helping us to better understand the science of sleep, and that despite what sleep training culture says, frequent night wakings for babies are developmentally normal and very dependent on a baby’s temperament. 

This was a game changer for me as the primary caregiver at night. Instead of thinking, “I’m failing as a parent because my baby isn’t sleeping through the night and there’s something wrong,” I now know that my baby in particular needs connection throughout the night and I’m his safe space.

— Nicole, mom to a 9 month old

I am so thankful I found Kim’s group coaching program. I knew I didn’t want to sleep train, but I had grown so weary and tired with my baby who was waking up every two hours for over twomonths. I was at a point of not having much hope. 

Within the first two weeks of the program, Kim’s advice helped us adjust nap times to where we were getting less night waking and a little longer stretches. He is still waking at night, but I feel more rested and more importantly— hopeful!

— Callie, mom of an 8 month old baby



Responsive Family Sleep

The ANTI “Sleep Training” Program For Exhausted Parents Seeking The Confidence And Permission To Follow Their Intuition To Support Their Baby To Sleep In A Gentle, Responsive Way.

Responsive Family Sleep is a unique sleep support program that provides the knowledge, tools, and support you need to confidently support sleep without traditional (and distressing) sleep training methods.

Designed by a Lactation Consultant to support your nursing relationship

For babies between 5 and 24 months

And, Genuinely Gentle – No Hidden Sleep Training Here!

sleepy relaxed baby lay down on blanket

You’ll Learn How To:


» Support better sleep for you and your baby so that you can enjoy your time together, feeling relaxed, rested, and more present.

» Tune out the high-stakes sleep training pressure and build confidence in the responsive approach as an effective, healthy and beneficial way to support sleep.

» Learn how to gently and naturally reduce every-hour-feeding and waking, even if you’ve tried everything and nothing seems to work.

» Equip yourself with sleep strategies that support easier, better quality sleep so that you ALL feel well rested.

» Understand the truth behind sleep developmental norms so that you don’t waste energy stressing – or blaming yourself for your baby’s sleep.

» Get the tools and step by step strategies to develop your baby’s independence within their developmental attachment needs.

» Learn how to co-sleep and bedshare safely and guilt-free so that you can deepen your connection with baby whilst getting a deeper night’s sleep.


Let’s take a look inside:

  • We’ll go deep on your expectations around sleep by calling out sleep training expectations, digging into the science of responsiveness, and identifying realistic expectations for your baby’s age, temperament, and developmental phase. You’ll finally feel clear on what’s realistic for *your* baby and confident in your approach, knowing the science instead of relying on society’s unrealistic expectations.

  • I’ll help you understand how sleep works, understand your baby’s cues and regulation, and clarify any health concerns that might be undermining sleep. You’ll know how to work with biology when supporting sleep which means that you’ll never again doubt whether a strategy actually supports healthy sleep development.

  • Using sleep biology, we’ll create sleep rhythms, nap patterns, bedtime routines, and nighttime parenting approaches that work with your baby’s unique needs to promote better sleep. Plus, there will be lots of troubleshooting around common challenges such as short naps, fighting bedtimes, frequent waking, split nights, and so much more!

  • Using sleep biology, we’ll create sleep rhythms, nap patterns, bedtime routines, and nighttime parenting approaches that work with your baby’s unique needs to promote better sleep. Plus, there will be lots of troubleshooting around common challenges such as short naps, fighting bedtimes, frequent waking, split nights, and so much more!

  • Supporting better sleep isn’t just about your baby so we’ll dig into strategies to support your sleep quality, take better care of yourself, and manage stress and anxiety. You can’t wait until baby sleep improves to focus on you!

  • I’ll help you think through when to make larger changes and build out truly gentle, connection focused tools and strategies to navigate situations such as changing how your little falls asleep, night weaning, and transitioning away from bedsharing among others. But only when you are ready – no pressure and made up timelines here!


“The most helpful parts of this program have been – Knowing that I'm not alone in wanting to

approach sleep from a responsive lens! That nursing to sleep is completely developmentally

appropriate AND it's okay to want to build out other sleep soothing tools too—both can be true at

the same time. Habit stacking—magical concept! That nursing at nighttime is way more than just

"is baby hungry." This concept really freed me up from a lot of sleep training expectations I

didn't even realize I was holding onto. Viewing sleep through a lens of what works for K as a

human with her specific temperament versus a one size fits all type expectation.”

— Alicia, mom of an 8 month old


“Some of the most helpful take aways so far have been coping abilities and perspective shifts.

It’s taken the pressure and concern off of worrying about napping during the day. Just hearing

that her daytime sleep is normal is incredibly liberating! And now we see shifts happening with

being able to nap in the stroller, which has been so helpful!”

— Ruth, mom of a 5 month old baby who previously would only contact nap


How we’ll do it…

mother sat with young children and looking at ipad together

➪ Self-paced video lessons – Access the information and strategies on your own time.

➪ Resources and guides – Checklists, reflection questions, and summaries to help you take action.

➪ Personal support – on-going, twice weekly group coaching for individualized encouragement and guidance right up through 24 months! Yes, really all of that time.

➪ Community – a private space for daily support and parent to parent sharing.



Start the program with 1:1 time with me so that we can clarify your goals and identify the areas of your current sleep challenges to prioritize. Scheduled within the first few weeks after enrollment, this call ensures you get my same comprehensive overview of your family’s situation as my 1:1 clients.

Every sleep journey is different, and exact timelines for improvement can be hard to predict. Some families see improvement in a few weeks while many see the pieces coming together closer to 2 months. It depends on your baby and your goals. Sleep is not a problem we solve with a one time solution, however, and that’s why there is on-going support for each new phase.

Your investment: $1250

(Payment Plans Available)


Words from Parents in the Program

After implementing a few strategies from Kim, our son is now on a nap schedule that better meets his needs — and we now actually understand how to adjust our routine as needed day to day. Arguably our biggest change, however, is that bedtime is now true bedtime for our baby and no longer a catnap followed by a two hour awake and very active period. Finally, the community that Kim brought together through this program connected us with folks who may be facing similar hurdles in sleep, showing us that we are not alone. I couldn’t recommend Kim and this program enough. It changed our lives, and my husband and I are more confident in our parenting because of it.

— Nicole, mom to a 9 month old

“We began working with Kim because it was truly hard to find sleep support for “people like us” and by “people like us” I mean people who don’t want to sleep train, bed-share, and need support in that journey. There is so much conflicting information online about what is best for baby sleep, and it can be really hard to weed through it. Questions on bed-sharing safely, nap timing, normal infant sleep habits, bedtimes, and bedtime routines - these were all things that I was hoping to gain clarity on through Kim’s program, and we did! At this point, we have a good nap routine and an easy bedtime with little fuss. And I feel confident going forward that we have
the tools for when we want to move him into his own room, start night-weaning, and deal with
toddler bedtime issues…. It's comforting to know there are others out there making similar
decisions to help their children thrive!”

I just have so much more peace about meeting my daughter where she is and helping her from there. I feel better tuning out the noise from other popular sleep training channels, and I know that even if she ends up bedsharing with us for parts of the night and nursing beyond 1 year it doesn’t mean we are setting her up for failure for independent sleep in the future. Just knowing I’m not alone in this mindset and that there are proven benefits of being responsive is incredibly helpful.

— M, mom of a younger toddler


If you are trying to decide if this is for you….

Ask yourself this - When you close your eyes and ignore everyone else’s opinions on how you should support sleep, what do you want? What feels right?


➪ If you want a sleep approach that centers connection and your relationship with your baby….

➪ If you want a program that recognizes you are the expert on your baby and your family’s needs….

➪ If you want someone to support you through each new phase, giving you the confidence to do this your way….

➪ If you want your little one to feel safe, secure, and supported around sleep…

➪ If you want to feel more peaceful, relaxed, and better rested….

You’re In The Right Place.


And My Promise To You Is That, When You Join Responsive Family Sleep You’ll Get The Peace Of Mind And Confidence That Have Been Eluding Youthese Past Few Months.

You’ll feel a renewed sense of hope and you’ll rediscover the joy of being present with your baby, so that you can enjoy this gorgeous and unique time in a way that is utterly priceless.


About Me

There are a lot of sleep specialists out there….Let me share a bit more about me and my approach.

I’m passionate about helping parents support their family’s sleep while staying connected to their baby and following their intuition. I believe that understanding your baby’s unique needs and capabilities combined with developmental and attachment based strategies transform the way parents understand, support, and nurture sleep. When you are a nursing parent, you also need sleep information that understands and supports your nursing goals right along with your sleep goals.

I believe strongly in a holistic approach – meaning we need to look at the whole child, the whole family, the whole picture of factors that affect sleep. While sleep is what brings families to me, sleep never exists in isolation. There is always a context around it.

As a mom of 2 big kids who were both wakeful babies and toddlers, I can tell you I’ve been where you are. Tired, overwhelmed, and wondering if it will ever feel easier. Take my hand and let me show you how together we can improve your family’s sleep….

You’re In Safe Hands, My Training Includes:

  • Certified Holistic Sleep Coach and Certified Infant Sleep Educator

  • Internationally Board Certified Lactation Consultant

  • Additional training in the developmental and attachment approach through the Neufeld Institute

  • Training on the transition to parenthood through the Gottman Institute

  • MPH in Maternal and Child Health plus MA in Cultural Anthropology


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Enrollment is on-going. You can join at any time and move through the program at your own pace and revisit content as you move into new phases. You’ll join a welcoming community of parents at different points in their sleep journey, but all sharing your same responsive values.

  • Your investment is $1250 for truly responsive and on-going sleep support.

  • You get lifetime access to the video lessons and supporting resources; on-going access to personalized support through group coaching until your baby is 24 months; lifetime access to the private community, and comprehensive support and guidance to transform the way you support sleep in your family.change that work for your family, resulting in more rest.

  • I know many parents are wondering if a group program will meet their unique family needs around sleep. To help you feel more confident, I’ll share some common struggles families have when joining. We can also talk about your family’s specific concerns on the free call that is a part of applying to join this program.

    • Napping struggles – naps are short, unpredictable, or you can only contact nap and would like to work on more independence.

    • Bedtime battles – bedtime is stressful, long, and your little one fights sleep.

    • Sleeping arrangements – wanting to safely bedshare or move away from bedsharing. Alternatively, struggles with transfers into the crib and challenges around independent nighttime sleep.

    • Nighttime disruption – frequent waking, split nights, or unsustainable feeding patterns.

    • Balance – wanting a partner to be able to support sleep, feeling exhausted, and wanting more time to yourself.

  • Tired parents of babies 5-18 months (when enrolling) who are looking for truly gentle, responsive sleep support. Parents who want better sleep that is easier and less stressful. Parents who are ready for a whole family view of improved sleep where not all changes are put onto baby. Parents who want to be supported continuing the things they love and gently shifting the things that aren’t working any more.

  • Parents looking for a highly structured sleep plan or one-size fits all approach will not find the style of this program a good match. Parents unwilling to meet their baby where they are currently at or go at their baby’s pace would likely benefit from a different approach.

  • Responsive Family Sleep offers a high level of individualized support not found in a course. While this program contains self-paced learning lessons for on-demand access to information, you also receive the individualized guidance that comes from coaching. Between group coaching and the Facebook group, you’ll always have a way to get support individualized to your family or guidance on implementing a strategy.

  • Babies are tiny humans with unique needs and capabilities, so it’s impossible to guarantee how quickly you’ll see results. There’s a wide range of normal, and every baby develops at different rates. Plus, we don’t have control over all the factors that shape your child’s sleep. However, I do promise you truly responsive, holistic strategies and my support as you work towards your goals. I’ll help you find that next step and you’ll build the confidence and conviction that you can get your baby to sleep in a way that feels natural and aligned with your values.

  • Group coaching is virtual, face to face time for individualized guidance from me. Come with a question, a situation to troubleshoot, or help with adjustments to a strategy to better fit your family. You’ll also find a safe space to discuss your experience supporting sleep responsively in a sleep training culture. And finally, come for the community to hear other parents’ experiences and questions.

  • Currently, group coaching is twice a week on Wednesdays at 4pm ET and Fridays at 12:30pm ET, with a once a month Saturday morning 10am ET option.