I do things differently
Most sleep consultants focus on withdrawing your support and getting your baby “used to” the fact that you’re not going to respond – even if they claim to use gentle methods. It usually involves a lot of crying – your baby’s tears AND your own, and it’s not how we roll here.
I address your family’s sleep holistically. My approach draws from attachment theory, neuroscience, evolutionary biology, and the science of biologically normal sleep and development.
Yes, I can help you make changes to how you parent at night, but those changes will always involve emotional availability to your child.
I believe that our culture’s focus on solving baby sleep as the key to solving all your problems is very misleading. There are things we can do to gently improve sleep, but there are more things that you can do to improve your own quality of sleep and well-being, regardless of how baby sleeps.
It’s not just about offering you gentle methods. It’s about shifting the way we view baby and toddlersleep. It’s about recognizing the value and importance of nighttime parenting and responsiveness rather than forcing independence.