What We Wish We Knew: Reflections on First Time Parenting With Rachael

In this episode, I’m joined by my colleague Rachael, sleep coach and founder of Hey Sleepy Baby. Our conversation centers around our own sleep journeys from first time moms who knew nothing about sleep to experienced sleep coaches and moms. We both share tips, insights, and reflections on our own experiences and how our parenting around sleep evolved. Join us for a fun conversation.

About Rachael
Rachael is a mom of three living in San Francisco, CA. Rachael founded Hey, Sleepy Baby to offer parents compassionate, stress-free and sustainable sleep solutions for their little ones. Rachael is passionate about parents feeling confident and informed about their sleep approach, and utilizes methods that prioritize connection and security vs. separation or tears. Rachael is also the host of the No One Told Us podcast where she interviews guests about a variety of parenting topics.

Connect with Rachael
Website: heysleepybaby.com
Instagram: @heysleepybaby

Connect with Kim
Instagram: instagram.com/intuitive_parenting_dc
Facebook:  facebook.com/intuitiveparentingdc

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