General Resources
Sleep Information
Safe Sleep Guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics
Babywearing Information
Washington DC Area Resources
These are just a few of the many wonderful businesses serving DC, Northern Virginia, and Maryland that I am lucky enough to know. I’m happy to provide more resources to my clients when requested because there’s just no way to list all the amazing options we have in the DC area.
Local Breastfeeding Support
Find a Lactation Consultant
International Lactation Consultant Association
Finding your local La Leche League group
In home consultation and fittings for breastfeeding products.
Prenatal and postpartum fitness
Wellness education and yoga for the whole family - newborn to adult
Mom and baby fitness classes.
Women’s health physical therapy in NOVA or in your home
Birth and Postpartum Doulas
Sunflowers Healing and Wellness
Birth doula, HypnoBirthing classes, and more
Doulas, childbirth education, placenta encapsulation, and more
Birth doula serving the DC metro area
Postpartum doulas serving Washington, DC, Northern Virginia, and parts of Maryland.
Postpartum and breastfeeding support
Doula and massage therapist
Doula and Hypnobabies educator
Birth and Postpartum Doula
Other Great Resources for Pregnancy and Early Parenting
Our local chapter of Babywearing International
ChiroGroup – Dr. Andrino
Chiropractor specializing in pregnancy
Massage therapist with a focus on pregnancy and postpartum massage.
In home counseling for new parents in Washington, DC and Maryland
placenta encapsulation services for DC, Maryland, and Virginia families.
Placenta encapsulation in the DC metro area
DMV Birth Professionals Directory
A searchable directory of DC area birth professionals
Licensed Clinical Psychologist in DC with a focus on pregnancy and postpartum