Informed Decision Making When You Aren't Always Given All Your Options With Kaely Harrod
How can you make informed decisions when you don’t know all your options? Well, you can’t! From sleep setups and safety to navigating big sleep transitions and parent led changes, knowing your options makes a huge difference. In this week’s episode I’m joined by my bestie, doula, educator, and doula business coach Kaely Harrod for a conversation about the challenges of making decisions without all the information. Parents are actively not educated in ways that set them up for informed decision making around sleep and that can have real safety consequences as well as feeling like they have no other option than to do something that feels wrong or like a bad fit for their little.
We talk about how this unfolds with sleep safety and parents sleeping in dangerous ways because they aren’t taught about safety beyond crib/bassinette sleeping – so either falling asleep in an unsafe bedsharing situation or in a dangerous situation trying not to bedshare. We also talk about how this plays out in the choices parents
make in supporting sleep and making bigger changes. Kaely shares some of her own early parenting and sleep experiences with her 3 kids and some of the ways she empowers her clients to be able to make informed choices with high quality information.
About Kaely
Kaely has been a doula unofficially since 2010 and officially since 2018! She’s built her business to the point of supporting hundreds of families, but realized along the way that it wasn’t enough to be an amazing doula, she also needed to be an amazing CEO! She’s since added mentoring small business owners and doula entrepreneurs to her repertoire to help others find their clear path to a thriving doula business while avoiding doula burnout!
Connect with Kaely
Instagram: @harroddoula
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